19 min read • Published on 3 Oct 2024

Governance Review #28

Avatar of Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Anastassis Oikonomopoulos

Governance Representative

A packed review with news across all DAOs we are actively participating in.

Governance Review #28 publication thumbnail


The hot topic in Optimism is a discussion on the decentralization of Optimism that sprawled out of a proposal to accelerate the decentralization and give more control to the Token House.

[RFC] Accelerated Decentralization Proposal For Optimism

GFX Labs, in collaboration with MattL and Juanbug_Pgov, submitted a proposal that seeks to accelerate the rate of decentralization of Optimism. Specifically, the proposal suggests that OP Labs and Optimism Foundation first hand the control of treasury funds and governance infrastructure to the Token House, and, by the summer of 2025, complete the decentralization of governance by giving the DAO access to and control over all onchain contracts and assets.

The proposal outlines a path to decentralization that is split into 3 phases, each incrementally giving more control over funds and onchain contracts to the Token House. Token holders are also asked to vote on a Snapshot petition to signal their support for the proposal.

Optimism Foundation commented on the proposal, and a discussion took place between them and multiple delegates addressing the points raised in the proposal.

Retro Funding 6: Governance

We want to remind everyone that applications to Retro Round #6 will remain open until October 14th. The three categories in which impact will be rewarded are:

  1. Governance Infrastructure & Tooling
  2. Governance Analytics
  3. Governance Leadership

For more information on RF#6, please see the round details.

Impact Metrics for Retro Funding 5

Ccerv from Open Source Observer, published an outline of the impact metrics they developed for the 5th round of Retro Funding, which focused on OP Stack contributions. The metrics came in three forms:

  1. Basic vanilla GitHub stats
  2. Contributor counts
  3. Trust weighted metrics

To better understand the reasoning behind the metrics, we encourage you to read the full post.

Badgeholder Onchain Analysis Report

Wheebil published a report on how Badgeholders compare to typical active OP users following a study conducted with the Optimism Foundation as part of a Foundation Grant. The report comprehensively compares Badgeholders to OP users on several different aspects.

Cycle 27 Grants final roundup

Gonna.eth, the Grants Council Lead, published the final roundup for Cycle 27. The Grants Council received a total of 53 applications in this cycle, out of which 16 were approved

[RFC] Introducing GovGraph.fyi – Citizen Connections Visualized

Max Semenchuk published a post introducing govgraph.fyi, a tool designed to improve understanding and interaction with governance ecosystems. Some of the key features include interactive relationship mapping, filtering and search, and transparency enhancements.

Pairwise in Retro Funding 5: Your Voting Tool

In light of the upcoming round of Retro Funding, Zeptimus published a post with an overview of Pairwise, a tool that Badgeholders can use to build their ballot. The post includes instructions on how to use Pairwise, and also introduces a new feature; Star Ratings.

Measuring the Concentration of Power in the Collective

Chain_L published a report that presents the Concentration of Power Index (CPI) an adapted version of the traditional Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), developed to assess the concentration of power within the Optimism Collective.

Discuss with L2BEAT

The proposal for the accelerated decentralization of governance is a very interesting topic and we’d love to discuss different views with other delegates and relevant stakeholders.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Optimism Office Hours every Tuesday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Grants Council Office Hours on 7.10 at 16:00

Joint House Community Call on 8.10 at 18:00

DAB Feedback, Ideation, and Conversation on 8.10 at 19:00


Arbitrum is once again buzzing with activity, with six active onchain proposals, three active temp-checks, and a dozen other proposals being discussed on the forums at the time of writing.

Active Votes


Arbitrum DAO Procurement Committee: Phase II Proposal – ends on October 10 at 16:18 UTC

Constitutional AIP - Extend Delay on L2Time Lock – ends on October 11 at 03:54 UTC

Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship – ends on October 11 at 03:55 UTC

Funds to Bolster Foundation’s Strategic Partnerships Budget – ends on October 17 at 16:54 UTC

ArbitrumDAO strategic “Off-site” (online) updated proposal – ends on October 18 at 17:43 UTC

Enhancing Multichain Governance: Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum – ends on October 18 at 17:49 UTC


Whitelist Infura Nova Validator – ends on October 3 at 03:08 UTC

Research on context and retention – ends on October 3 at 22:19 UTC

An EIP-4824 powered daoURI for Arbitrum DAO – ends on October 22:27 UTC

Arbitrum Security Council Emergency Action - ArbOS 32

The Arbitrum Security Council proactively addressed potential technical issues with a network upgrade to Arbitrum Nitro v3.2.0. The upgrade did not affect any user funds, and everything remains secure. The upgrade was meant to address three areas:

  • A potential mispricing issue in Arbitrum Stylus that could have led to a denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.
  • A vulnerability that could have allowed malicious contracts to crash nodes.
  • An error causing overcharging of Stylus contracts for certain operations.

If you’re running an Arbitrum node, you should upgrade to Arbitrum Nitro v3.2.0 for continued operation. Validator nodes should upgrade to v3.2.1, and you can find the upgrade here.

Security Council Nominations

The first stage of the Security Council elections has concluded, and we now have a set of 13 qualified candidates that will move on to the next stage of KYC/KYB. Once that’s complete, the elections are set to begin on October 13th. You can see a list of the qualified candidates here.

[RFC] Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

Thedevanshmehta submitted an RFC that proposes transferring another 35,000,000 ARB to the STEP multisig to further diversify Arbitrum DAO’s treasury into real-world assets that are stable in value, highly liquid and have a yield that is uncorrelated to crypto. The ARB will be converted by the Arbitrum Foundation only when macroeconomic conditions improve and the total amount obtained is similar to or higher than the first iteration (which got $30 million).

It’s noted that the proposal will go to Snapshot only after the first report from STEP 1.0 is released and will only attempt to move to Tally after the first yield from STEP 1.0 returns to the DAO’s treasury.

[RFC] Arbitrum Research and Development Collective (ARDC) [Term 2]

With ARDC’s term coming to an end on October 1st, ImmutableLawyer submitted an RFC that aims to extend and optimize the ARDC for a second 6-month term. The new design of the ARDC introduces several different changes, such as breaking the DAO Advocate role into a Supervisory Council and an Operations Lead, the use of Hats Protocol for identifying roles and responsibilities of the members, as well as the use of Aera to convert ARB into USDC for the members’ compensation.

The proposal includes three different funding options: a) 830,000 USDC, b) 1,005,000 USDC, or c) 1,250,000 USDC. For each choice, 104,000 ARB are also earmarked for the Supervisory Council and Operations Lead.

[RFC] Treasury Management v1.1

Entropy published an RFC that proposes addressing treasury management by establishing two token management tracks (Treasury and Growth), each with its own 3-seat committee, and budget.

  • Treasury Management ™: 10M ARB for ARB-only onchain strategies + 15M ARB converted to stables or other cash-like holdings to serve as a pilot for the DAO’s “checking account”.
  • Growth Management (GM): 7,500 ETH allotted (about 75% of the DAOs ETH after BoLD bootstrapping), but all spend must be DAO-approved on a case-by-case basis.

The whole structure and details around how TM and GM would work are too lengthy to cover in this review, so we encourage everyone to read through the whole proposal.

[RFC] Integrating zkTLS-Powered Oracle Solution (zkFetch) for Arbitrum

Mr-unomi published an RFC looking for community input on funding the development & integration of zkFetch, a zero-knowledge proof-based data fetching service, into the Arbitrum ecosystem. zkFetch will provide a cryptographically verifiable, privacy-preserving oracle solution for any off-chain data, enhancing Arbitrum Ecosystems DApp’s security and enabling innovative use cases like Prediction Markets, RWA, and AI requiring trust and transparency.

The projected cost is $85,000 for the development and integration, and then a recurring cost of $100/oracle/month.

[ARDC] September Update

We (L2BEAT), in our capacity as the DAO Advocate for the ARDC, published our 6th and last monthly update for the ARDC. In the following days, we’ll also publish a full report covering the whole duration of the ARDC in the forum.

From Engagement to Rewards: A Comprehensive Analysis of Participation and Incentives (Part 2 - Final Report)

SEEDGov, the program manager of the Delegate Incentives program, published a comprehensive analysis of the effect that incentives had on delegates’ participation during the experimental program. The data shows an increase in delegate participation between the first three months of the program and the last. For a more in-depth read, please see the original post.

Entropy Advisors Monthly Update

Entropy published an update recapping the things they were working on during September. For a quick overview, some of the things included:

Their goal for October is to get the majority of the above initiatives over the finish line, which means finalizing them and getting them through a temp-check or an onchain vote.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We are interested in discussing all active initiatives in the DAO to provide feedback where we can and participate wherever possible.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all of the above and more during our Arbitrum Office Hours every Thursday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Make Arbitrum Alignment Legible - Proposal Walk-through on 3.10 at 13:30

ADPC Call on 3.10 at 14:00

ARB Staking Working Groups on 3.10 at 16:00

GCP Open Office on 3.10 at 16:00

Social Media Fellowship on 3.10 at 17:00

AVI Open Event on 4.10 at 13:00


Uniswap discussing the establishment of a legal defense fund in case of legal action against delegates, and the delegation of voting power from the treasury to delegates who are eligible for delegate incentives.

Active Votes


Uniswap Accountability Committee S3 Elections – ends on October 7th at 21:30 UTC

[RFC] Establish a Legal fund to pay for Delegate Legal Fees

Dennisonb, CEO of Tally, submitted an RFC that proposes establishing a $10,000,000 legal defense fund that could be utilized by delegates facing legal action for their actions in Uniswap’s DAO. The proposal outlines some potential eligibility criteria for delegates to be able to be reimbursed from the Legal Defense Fund, including the recipient going through KYC, as well as the fund administration and disbursement processes. The fund administration’s exact structure, governance, and operational details are left as TBD at this time and will be fleshed out through a community discussion.

[RFC] Onboarding Package for Lisk

Lisk submitted an RFC seeking to be added to the v3 deployments record and being granted an Onboarding Package, which includes $250k of UNI incentives for three months on three key markets and Angle Merkl’s integration of Lisk.

Lisk has committed to matching Uniswap’s incentives and locking $1,000,000 of protocol-owned liquidity for one year in exchange for an additional $125,000 of UNI incentives on top of the onboarding package.

[RFC] Apply canonical Uniswap V3 deployment on World Chain

Fares from World Foundation submitted an RFC that seeks to verify an existing Uniswap V3 deployment on World Chain as canonical. All the Uni v3 contracts have been deployed, and the DAO does not need to take any further action.

[RFC] Raise the onchain proposal quorum threshold from 40M

Jengajojo from DAOplomats submitted an RFC which proposes increasing the current onchain proposal quorum threshold from 40M UNI to something in the range of 45-65M. As per a comment by Ben DiFrancesco, founder of ScopeLift, the quorum is hardcoded in Uniswap’s governor, and an upgrade should be made to it with great care.

[RFC] Delegate UNI to delegates qualified for Cycle 2 rewards

Jengajojo from DAOplomats submitted an RFC that seeks to gather feedback on delegating voting power from the treasury to the delegates eligible for delegate rewards. Eeek, the governance lead for Uniswap Foundation, created a similar thread to discuss ideas for a potential round 2 of the treasury delegation proposal originally created by StableLabs.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’d be interested in discussing the idea of establishing a legal defense fund, given the unclear legal landscape in which DAOs operate. If you are a Uniswap stakeholder with legal experience, or if you are the recipient of any legal action against you because of your engagement with a DAO, we’d like to hear from you.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Uniswap Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.

Upcoming Events (Times in UTC)

Governance Community Call on 8.10 at 14:00


The headline of the week is Hop’s Grant Committee publishing its RFP list and creating an avenue for builders to get funding.

HOP Grant Request For Proposals (RFP)

Rxpwnz published an RFP list on behalf of the Hop Grants Committee to outline the kind of projects the Grants Committee is looking to fund. It is noted that it is NOT a comprehensive list, and the Grants Committee encourages any applicants to apply even if their project is not explicitly stated.

The four main categories include, but are not limited to:

  • Developer
  • Marketing
  • Community
  • Other Protocols

Interested parties can use the application template found in the post and create their proposal following the instructions.

Community Call Meeting Minutes

TheGreg published meeting minutes from the Community Call that took place on September 18th. Two important highlights to note are:

  • The Head of DAO Operations term finished on August 26th, and renewal is being discussed.
  • Rewards from the last cycle of delegate incentives are to be distributed soon

Discuss with L2BEAT

With Hop’s Grants Committee publishing its RFP list, we are interested in discussing with builders who are considering applying to learn more about what they want to build. Although we are not part of the Committee, we’d be happy to discuss your proposal and provide you with feedback.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Hop Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


PolygonLabs introduced an exciting concept with PIP-47 and the introduction of Aragon’s OSx protocol in its governance.

PIP-47: Protocol Council Multi-Threshold Smart Contract Upgrades

Mateusz, the governance lead at PolygonLabs, published a proposal that introduces a multi-threshold multisig system to the Protocol Council governing body that builds upon Aragon’s OSx protocol. The proposed contracts integrate the flexibility of multiple approval thresholds depending on the context of the proposal being voted on.

Discuss with L2BEAT

PIP-47 is very interesting as it will allow for a lot of flexibility in Polygon’s governance in the future, and we’re interested in discussing it further with other delegates and interested parties.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Polygon Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


Things are relatively slow in Starknet’s governance at this time, but that doesn’t mean things are not happening.

SNIP-20: Enshrined Paymasters for ERC-20 tokens

Ilia from StarkWare submitted a proposal for a design that allows anyone to deploy paymaster contracts that abstract token exchanges away from users. Its scope is limited to ERC-20 contracts and does not offer full fee abstraction (e.g paying transaction fees with NFTs or other assets).

Discuss with L2BEAT

If there are things you’d like to discuss about Starknet, we’re always happy to do so!

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Starknet Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


The application period for Everclear’s Security Council has finished and the elections will be taking place soon.

[Update] Everclear Governance Task Force (GTF)

SEEDGov, the Program Manager of Everclear’s GTF, published the bi-weekly update on GTF’s activity for September 3rd to 20th.

Discuss with L2BEAT

If you have applied to Everclear’s Security Council, we’d like to hear from you to discuss your application further.

When/where to catch us:

You can find us to discuss all the above and more during our Everclear Office Hours every Friday at 3 pm UTC.


Wormhole had its inaugural community call and things are starting to move.

Wormhole Community Call: October 1st, 2024

Wormhole held its first community call, hosted by Blockworks Research and GFX Labs, on October 1st. The discussion revolved around formalizing DAO processes and parameters given that the Multigov contracts have launched.

Discuss with L2BEAT

Besides the first Community Call, Wormhole’s governance hasn’t seen any new developments over the last week. If you believe we might have missed something, please let us know. Regardless of any news, we’re interested in discussing it with other Wormhole delegates, so if that’s you, shoot us a message.


Discuss with L2BEAT

Lisk’s governance hasn’t seen any new developments over the last week. If you believe we might have missed something, please let us know. Regardless of any news, we’re interested in discussing with other Lisk delegates, so if that’s you, shoot us a message.


L2BEAT will start participating as delegates in ZKsync’s governance. This means we’ll also begin including ZKSync in our governance review from now on.

Summary of all roles and associations involved in the DAO

In response to a question in the forum, theshelb published an overview of all the roles in the ZKsync ecosystem and their association with each other.

ZKsync Delegate Announcement Telegram Channel

Theshelb published a post to announce the ZKsync Delegate Announcement TG channel, a ticker-style channel that shares important updates on governance proposals and other relevant announcements to ZKsync Delegates.

Examples of notifications that will be shared in this channel:

  • Delegate Call reminders
  • New proposal submitted onchain
  • Voting period reminders
  • Token Assembly voting results
  • Any Guardian vetos
  • Security Council Approval/Non-approval of protocol upgrades
  • Ecosystem-wide emergency announcements/updates

You can join the channel here.

Delegate Kick-Off Call Summary

Theshelb published a summary of the kick-off call that happened on Tuesday, 17th of September. The discussion covered the future of delegate calls and their cadence, as well as a short Q&A with delegates attending the call. You can find the whole detailed summary in the post itself.

Governance Cycles

Daniel-ospina published a post to start a conversation on whether zkNation should implement governance cycles for proposals.

The Telos of the DAO

Drnick published a post to kickstart a discussion on the DAO’s ‘end game’ and deliberate the direction we are looking to take. The post intends to initiate a discussion that closes the gap between the DAO’s desired performance prior to its launch and the work we can do as delegates going forward.

Discuss with L2BEAT

We’re interested in meeting with other delegates and discussing their views on the DAO’s overarching mission and end goal. Although we do not have dedicated Office Hours for ZKsync yet, we encourage you to message us, and we’ll find time to chat.