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Across V3 logoAcross V3


Across V3 is a cross-chain optimistic bridge that uses actors called Relayers to fulfill user transfer requests on the destination chain.

  • Total value secured
  • Destination
  • Validated by
  • Type
    Liquidity Network

  • About

    Across V3 is a cross-chain optimistic bridge that uses actors called Relayers to fulfill user transfer requests on the destination chain.

    Value Secured

    2024 Mar 29 — 2025 Mar 29

    Detailed description

    Across V3 is a cross-chain optimistic bridge that uses actors called Relayers to fulfill user transfer requests on the destination chain.

    Relayers are later reimbursed by providing a proof of their action to an Optimistic Oracle on Ethereum. Relayer reimbursements over a specific block range are bundled and posted onchain as merkle roots which uniquely identify the set of all repayments and rebalance instructions. The architecture leverages a single liquidity pool on Ethereum and separate deposit/reimburse pools on destination chains that are rebalanced using canonical bridges.

    Risk summary

    Principle of operation

    This bridge performs cross-chain swaps by borrowing liquidity from a network of Relayers who are then reimbursed on a chain of their choosing from a common liquidity pool (which consists of user deposits and deposits of independent Liquidity Providers). Specifically, when a user deposits funds for a swap into a dedicated pool on the origin chain, a Relayer first pays the user on the requested destination chain and then shows proof of that deposit to Optimistic Oracle on Ethereum (by proposing a merkle root). If the root remains unchallenged for 1h, it is optimistically finalized and the Relayer is reimbursed. Liquidity used for reimbursements is rebalanced between a main pool on Ethereum (called Hub Pool) and pools on destination chains (called Spoke Pools) via canonical chain bridges.

    • Funds can be frozen if owner pauses the Hub Pool contract, or changes bond, routes, or fees parameters in such a way as to make the escrow inoperable.

    • Funds can be lost if owner invokes a "haircut" functionality, dedicated for irrecoverable loss of funds on L2. Calling the haircutReserves() function, the owner can decrease the token utilizedReserves on L1, decreasing the amount of funds in the bridge expected to flow from L2 to L1.

    • Funds can be lost if third-party bridge infrastructure is compromised, such as canonical messaging services, Linea USDC bridge, and USDC Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) infrastructure.

    1. Across V3 Architecture

    Validation via Optimistic Oracle

    Money from the liquidity pool is used to reimburse Relayers based on a proof of deposit on a destination chain that is provided to an Optimistic Oracle on Ethereum. The proof can be disputed in a configured time period.

    • Funds can be stolen if a false claim to the Optimistic Oracle is not disputed in time.

    • Funds can be lost if a re-org occurs on destination chain after the Optimistic Oracle dispute time passes.

    1. Across V3 Optimistic Oracle documentation

    Destination tokens

    Only tokens that have been bridged using native chain bridges are supported.




    HubPool Multisig 0xB524…3715

    A Multisig with 3/5 threshold. It uses the following modules: OptimisticGovernor. Can invoke admin functions of HubPool contract, and by implication of other contracts.

    BondToken transfer proposers 0xf7bA…997c

    Allowed to propose BondToken transfers.

    Smart contracts
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture


    Escrow contract for ERC20 tokens and administration of other contracts. There is a 1h delay before a bundle proposal is considered finalized. This contract can store any token.

    BondToken 0xee1D…02ea

    Token (ABT) used to bond the data worker for proposing Relayer refund bundles. It also used as a required bond to dispute a bundle proposal. Currently, the bond amount is set to 0.45 ABT.

    UMAOptimisticOracle 0xeE3A…7c24

    UMA Optimistic Oracle smart contract. It registers dispute requests, status of disputes, and dispute settlement.

    GovernorV2 0x7b29…3fa8

    Owner of the Optimistic Oracle. This contract is used to execute a proposed UMA governance action that has been approved by UMA token holders.

    VotingToken 0x04Fa…F828

    Token used to vote on UMA Optimistic Oracle governance proposals.

    LpTokenFactory 0x7dB6…fD9d

    Factory to deploy new LP tokens for L1 tokens, used to represent a liquidity provider position in the HubPool.

    Provides addresses of the live contracts implementing certain interfaces, such as the whitelist interface for setting the Bond Token.

    Arbitrum_Adapter 0x100E…7210
    Base_Adapter 0xE142…529c
    Boba_Adapter 0x33B0…5Af3
    Ethereum_Adapter 0x527E…5084
    Linea_Adapter 0x7Ea0…8EfE
    Optimism_Adapter 0xE1e7…612b
    Polygon_Adapter 0xb4Ae…912e
    ZkStack_Adapter 0x3155…C90D
    Lisk_Adapter 0x8229…5C3B
    Scroll_Adapter 0xb612…519F
    Redstone_Adapter 0x188F…73fA
    Zora_Adapter 0x024F…169b
    WorldChain_Adapter 0xA839…9f32
    Alephzero_Adapter 0x6F40…15Af
    Ink_Adapter 0x7e90…61d2
    Soneium_Adapter 0x0c9d…5FD2

    Contract enabling depositors to transfer assets from Ethereum to L2s, and relayers to fulfill transfer from L2s to Ethereum. Deposit orders are fulfilled by off-chain relayers with the fillV3Relay() function. Relayers are later refunded with destination token out of this contract when the data worker submits a proof that the relayer correctly submitted a relay on this SpokePool. This contract can store any token.

    PolygonTokenBridger 0x48d9…2c65

    Contract deployed on Ethereum and Polygon PoS to facilitate token transfers from Polygon to the HubPool.

    AcrossConfigStore 0x3B03…43f5

    Contract storing configurations such as token rate models and minimum transfer thresholds, meant for off-chain consumption.

    Value Secured is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a Spoke Pool contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades.