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Omnichain (LayerZero) logoOmnichain (LayerZero)

The security parameters of each individual token must be individually assessed, and can be changed by the developers. Omnichain tokens are in the early stages of development, use at your own risk.


This page gathers Omnichain Tokens built on top of LayerZero AMB protocol that have a market cap over 100k USD.

  • Total value secured
  • Destination
  • Validated by
    Third Party
  • Type
    Token Bridge

  • About

    This page gathers Omnichain Tokens built on top of LayerZero AMB protocol that have a market cap over 100k USD.

    Value Secured

    2024 Mar 28 — 2025 Mar 28

    Detailed description

    This page gathers Omnichain Tokens built on top of LayerZero AMB protocol that have a market cap over 100k USD.

    Currently they are: STONE, STG, WAGMI, Wrapped EURA, Wrapped LINK, Wrapped USDC and Wrapped BOBA. Risk associated with using any of them varies, depending on the technological decisions made by the developers. LayerZero as a framework to build omnichain application does not provide any base security as applications can define their own security settings, however applications and tokens choosing the default security settings will leverage security provided by default Oracle, Relayer, Verification Library and Proof Library. Default settings are managed by LayerZero team.

    Risk summary
    This project includes unverified contracts. (CRITICAL)
    The security parameters of each individual token must be individually assessed, and can be changed by the developers. Omnichain tokens are in the early stages of development, use at your own risk.

    Principle of operation

    Omnichain tokens are tokenized Token Bridges. Usually, one chain is designated as main and acts as a token escrow. In this case, transfers from the main chain are done using typical lock-mint model. Transfers between other (non-main) chains are made using burn-mint model. The implementation details may vary between each individual omnichain token and must be individually assessed.

    Oracles and Relayers

    Note: This section requires more research and might not present accurate information.

    Omnichain tokens are built on top of LayerZero protocol. LayerZero relies on Oracles to periodically submit source chain block hashes to the destination chain. Once block hash is submitted, Relayers can provide the proof for the transfers. The Oracle and Relayer used can be either default LayerZero contracts, or custom built by the token developers.

    • Users can be censored if oracles or relayers fail to facilitate the transfer.

    • Funds can be stolen if oracles and relayers collude to submit fraudulent block hash and relay fraudulent transfer.

    • Funds can be stolen if omnichain token owner changes Oracle/Relayer pair for their own.

    1. LayerZero security model analysis



    Default Relayer 0x902F…089E

    Contract authorized to relay messages and - as a result - withdraw funds from the bridge.

    Used in:

    Contracts that submit source chain block hashes to the destination chain.

    LayerZero Multisig 0xCDa8…4C92

    A Multisig with 3/5 threshold. Contract authorize to update default security parameters (Relayer, Oracle, Libraries). Owner of the Endpoint and UltraLightNodeV2 contract.

    Used in:

    Smart contracts


    Contract used to submit source chain block hashes. One of the default Oracles. The source code of this contract is not verified on Etherscan.

    Proxy used in:

    Google Cloud Oracle 0xD56e…C7cc

    Contract used to submit source chain block hashes. One of the default Oracles.

    Proxy used in:

    Contract used to provide the merkle proof for the transfers on source chains. The source code of this contract is not verified on Etherscan.

    Proxy used in:

    MPTValidator01 0x462F…B859

    Contracts used to validate messages coming from source chains.

    FPValidator 0x0724…df89

    Contracts used to validate messages coming from source chains.

    Proxy used in:

    Endpoint 0x66A7…d675

    Contract used for cross-chain messaging.

    Proxy used in:

    UltraLightNodeV2 0x4D73…78E2

    Default send and receive library.

    Proxy used in:

    TreasuryV2 0x3773…e34d

    Contract responsible for fee mechanism.

    Proxy used in:

    NonceContract 0x5B90…6068

    Value Secured is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    StoneEscrow 0x7122…bD3C
    Stargate Token 0xAf51…2Cd6
    WagmiEscrow 0x92CC…3a67
    LinkEscrow 0xEe38…69de
    UsdcEscrow 0x4F52…EF3E
    BobaEscrow1 0x1A36…3e55
    BobaEscrow2 0xB000…c490
    BobaEscrow3 0x6F53…2F41

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades (CRITICAL).

    • Funds can be stolen if the source code of unverified contracts contains malicious code (CRITICAL).