Metis Andromeda logoMetis Andromeda

Metis Andromeda is an EVM-equivalent solution originally forked from Optimism OVM.
This project is under review.
Value Locked

$538.97 M


Canonically Bridged
$538.97 M
Externally Bridged
Natively Minted
  • Tokens
  • Daily TPS
  • 30D tx count
    1.41 M
  • Type
  • Purpose
  • ...



    Data availability change

    2022 Apr 12th

    Update moving data to an off-chain committee.

    Learn more

    Mainnet launch

    2021 Nov 19th

    Public launch of Metis Layer 2 Andromeda, based on the Optimism codebase.

    Learn more
    Risk summary
    Fraud proof system is currently under development. Users need to trust the block proposer to submit correct L1 state roots.
    Risk analysis
    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    Other considerations
    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    The system uses the following set of permissioned addresses:

    Metis Multisig 0x48fE…cF21

    This address is the owner of the following contracts: MVM_L1CrossDomainMessenger, L1StandardBridge, LibAddressManager. This allows it to censor messages or pause message bridge altogether, upgrade bridge implementation potentially gaining access to all funds stored in a bridge and change the sequencer, state root proposer or any other system component (unlimited upgrade power). This is a Gnosis Safe with 4 / 8 threshold.

    Those are the participants of the Metis Multisig.

    Sequencer 0xcDf0…0019

    Central actor allowed to commit transactions to L1.

    State Root Proposer 0xf3CE…9040

    Central actor to post new state roots to L1.

    Data Availability Verifiers 0x48fE…cF21

    Those addresses can try to force the sequencer to post data on chain.

    Execution Verifiers 0x48fE…cF21

    Those addresses can challenge the state roots submitted by the state root proposer.

    Smart contracts
    Project Under Review

    Projects under review might present incomplete information & data.
    L2BEAT Team is working to research & validate content before publishing.

    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture

    The system consists of the following smart contracts:

    MVM CanonicalTransaction is a wrapper of Canonical Transaction Chain that implements optimistic data availability scheme L1. If Sequencer is not malicious, it simply forwards appendSequencerBatch() calls to CanonicalTransactionChain.

    CanonicalTransactionChain 0x56a7…e1C9

    The Canonical Transaction Chain (CTC) contract is an append-only log of transactions which must be applied to the OVM state. It defines the ordering of transactions by writing them to the CTC:batches instance of the Chain Storage Container. CTC batches can only be submitted by OVM_Sequencer. The CTC also allows any account to enqueue() a transaction, which the Sequencer must eventually append to the rollup state.

    The State Commitment Chain (SCC) contract contains a list of proposed state roots which Proposers assert to be a result of each transaction in the Canonical Transaction Chain (CTC). Elements here have a 1:1 correspondence with transactions in the CTC, and should be the unique state root calculated off-chain by applying the canonical transactions one by one. Currently only OVM_Proposer can submit new state roots.

    ChainStorageContainer-CTC-batches 0x3847…16B7
    ChainStorageContainer-CTC-queue 0xA91E…2E57
    ChainStorageContainer-SCC-batches 0x1073…d6f9
    BondManager 0xf51B…b3be

    The Bond Manager contract will handle deposits in the form of an ERC20 token from bonded Proposers. It will also handle the accounting of gas costs spent by a Verifier during the course of a challenge. In the event of a successful challenge, the faulty Proposer’s bond will be slashed, and the Verifier’s gas costs will be refunded. Current mock implementation allows only OVM_Proposer to propose new state roots. No slashing is implemented.

    The L1 Cross Domain Messenger (L1xDM) contract sends messages from L1 to Metis, and relays messages from Metis onto L1. In the event that a message sent from L1 to Metis is rejected for exceeding the Metis epoch gas limit, it can be resubmitted via this contract’s replay function.

    MVM_DiscountOracle 0x7f6B…7063

    Oracle specifying user fees for sending L1 -> Metis messages and other parameters for cross-chain communication.

    Lib_AddressManager 0x9187…867d

    This is a library that stores the mappings between names such as OVM_Sequencer, OVM_Proposer and other contracts and their addresses.

    This contract implements a voting scheme with which the majority of Verifiers can challenge malicious Sequencer.

    Contract that allows METIS_MANAGER to switch Sequencer.

    Main entry point for users depositing ERC20 tokens and ETH that do not require custom gateway. This contract can store any token.

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades (CRITICAL).

    If you find something wrong on this page you can submit an issue or edit the information