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FraxtalDA is a custom data availability solution built by the Fraxtal team.
There are no onchain assets at risk of being slashed in case of a data withholding attack, and the committee members are not publicly known.
There is no fraud detection mechanism in place. A data withholding attack can only be detected by nodes downloading the full data from the DA layer.
There is no committee attesting to the availability of data.
The relayer does not contribute to the DA bridge liveness since data availability attestations are not integrated in the scaling solution’s proof system.
FraxtalDA is a custom data availability solution built by the Fraxtal team. The data is posted by the OP batcher to three separate locations: AWS, IPFS, and Cloudfare R2. The IPFS hash is then submitted to the onchain inbox contract on Ethereum. FraxtalDA relies on a single DA endpoint to manage data posting between the three different locations. The sequencer attests to data availability by posting an IPFS hash to an onchain inbox contract on Ethereum. L2 nodes derive the L2 chain from the L1 by reading transactions commitments from this sequencer inbox. When reading from the inbox, the op-node verifies that the commitment hash is a valid IPFS CID. If the data corresponding to the hash is missing from IPFS, the op-node will halt, preventing further derivation of the L2 chain.
Funds can be lost if the sequencer posts an invalid data availability commitment.
The SequencerInbox only stores IPFS hash commitments posted by the sequencer. It is not possible to verify blob inclusion against the data commitments onchain. Projects not integrating with a functional DA bridge rely only on the data availability attestation of the sequencer.
There is no committee attesting to the availability of data.
The relayer does not contribute to the DA bridge liveness since data availability attestations are not integrated in the scaling solution’s proof system.
Central actor allowed to relay DA commitments to the SequencerInbox.
This address is used to store transaction batch hashes as data availability commitments.
The ProxyAdmin contract is the owner of SystemConfig and can change the address of the SequencerInbox for the system.