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Ternoa is a modular Validium leveraging the Polygon CDK stack. It is built by the team behind the Substrate-based Ternoa Layer 1 and focuses on PayFi.

Value secured
$254.32 K>1K%
Canonically Bridged
$254.32 K
Externally Bridged
Natively Minted

  • Tokens
  • Past day UOPS
  • 30D ops count

  • Type
  • Purposes
    Universal, Payments
  • Sequencer failureState validationData availabilityExit windowProposer failure



    Ternoa is a modular Validium leveraging the Polygon CDK stack. It is built by the team behind the Substrate-based Ternoa Layer 1 and focuses on PayFi.



    The project will be classified as "Other" due to its specific risks that set it apart from the standard classifications.

    The project will move to Others because:

    There are less than 5 external actors that can attest data availability

    Consequence: projects without a sufficiently decentralized data availability committee rely on few entities to safely attest data availability on Ethereum. A small set of entities can collude with the proposer to finalize an unavailable state, which can cause loss of funds.

    Learn more about the recategorisation here.

    Value Secured
    Milestones & Incidents

    Ternoa Mainnet Launch

    2025 Jan 29th

    Ternoa 2.0 mainnet is live.

    Learn more
    Risk summary
    This project includes unverified contracts. (CRITICAL)
    Risk analysis
    This project includes unverified contracts. (CRITICAL)
    Sequencer failureState validationData availabilityExit windowProposer failure

    Sequencer failure

    No mechanism

    There is no mechanism to have transactions be included if the sequencer is down or censoring. Although the functionality exists in the code, it is currently disabled.

    State validation

    ZK proofs (ST, SN)

    STARKs and SNARKs are zero knowledge proofs that ensure state correctness. STARKs proofs are wrapped in SNARKs proofs for efficiency. SNARKs require a trusted setup.

    Data availability

    External (DAC)

    Proof construction relies fully on data that is NOT published onchain. There exists a Data Availability Committee (DAC) with a threshold of 1/1 that is tasked with protecting and supplying the data.

    Exit window

    The Security Council can remove the delay on upgrades.

    Even though there is a 3d Timelock for upgrades, forced transactions are disabled.

    Proposer failure

    Cannot withdraw

    Only the whitelisted proposers can publish state roots on L1, so in the event of failure the withdrawals are frozen.


    Validity proofs ensure state correctness

    Each update to the system state must be accompanied by a ZK proof that ensures that the new state was derived by correctly applying a series of valid user transactions to the previous state. These proofs are then verified on Ethereum by a smart contract.

    1. PolygonRollupManager.sol - source code, _verifyAndRewardBatches function

    Zero knowledge STARK and SNARK cryptography is used

    Despite their production use zkSTARKs and zkSNARKs proof systems are still relatively new, complex and they rely on the proper implementation of the polynomial constraints used to check validity of the Execution Trace. In addition zkSNARKs require a trusted setup to operate.

    • Funds can be lost if the proof system is implemented incorrectly.

    Data is not stored on chain

    The transaction data is not recorded on the Ethereum main chain. Transaction data is stored off-chain and only the hashes are posted onchain by the Sequencer, after being signed by the DAC members.

    • Funds can be lost if the external data becomes unavailable (CRITICAL).

    1. PolygonValidiumEtrog.sol - Etherscan source code, sequenceBatchesValidium function
    Data availability

    Set of parties responsible for signing and attesting to the availability of data.

    Risk analysis
    DA Layer Risks
    Economic security

    There are no onchain assets at risk of being slashed in case of a data withholding attack, and the committee members are not publicly known.

    Fraud detection

    There is no fraud detection mechanism in place. A data withholding attack can only be detected by nodes downloading the full data from the DA layer.

    DA Bridge Risks
    Committee security

    The committee does not meet basic security standards, either due to insufficient size, lack of member diversity, or poorly defined threshold parameters. The system lacks an effective DA bridge and it is reliant on the assumption of an honest sequencer, creating significant risks to data integrity and availability.

    No delay

    There is no delay in the upgradeability of the bridge. Users have no time to exit the system before the bridge implementation update is completed.

    Relayer failure
    No mechanism

    The relayer role is permissioned, and the DA bridge does not have a Security Council or a governance mechanism to propose new relayers. In case of relayer failure, the DA bridge will halt and be unable to recover without the intervention of a centralized entity.



    polygoncdk architecture

    Polygon CDK validiums utilize a data availability solution that relies on a Data Availability Committee (DAC) to ensure data integrity and manage off-chain transaction data. This architecture comprises the following components:

    • Operator: A trusted entity that collects transactions, computes hash values for the transaction batch, and then requests and collects signatures from Committee members.
    • Data Availability Committee (DAC): A group of nodes responsible for validating batch data against the hash values provided by the operator (sequencer), ensuring the data accurately represents the transactions.
    • PolygonCommittee Contract: Contract responsible for managing the data committee members list.

    Each DAC node independently validates the batch data, ensuring it matches the received hash values. Upon successful validation, DAC members store the hash values locally and generate signatures endorsing the batch’s integrity. The sequencer collects these signatures and submits the transactions batch hash together with the aggregated signature on Ethereum. The PolygonCommittee contract is used during batch sequencing to verify that the signature posted by the sequencer was signed off by the DAC members stored in the contract.

    DA Bridge Architecture

    polygoncdk bridge architecture

    The DA commitments are posted to the destination chain through the sequencer inbox, using the inbox as a DA bridge. The DA commitment consists of a data availability message provided as transaction input, made up of a byte array containing the signatures and all the addresses of the committee in ascending order. The sequencer distributes the data and collects signatures from Committee members offchain. Only the DA message is posted by the sequencer to the destination chain inbox (the DA bridge). A separate contract, the PolygonCommittee contract, is used to manage the committee members list and verify the signatures before accepting the DA commitment.

    • Funds can be lost if a malicious committee signs a data availability attestation for an unavailable transaction batch.

    • Funds can be lost if the bridge contract or its dependencies receive a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades.

    1. Polygon CDK Validium Documentation
    State derivation
    Node software

    Node software can be found here.

    Compression scheme

    No compression scheme yet.

    Genesis state

    The genesis state, whose corresponding root is accessible as Batch 0 root in the getRollupBatchNumToStateRoot(5,0) method of PolygonRollupManager, is available here.

    Data format

    The trusted sequencer request signatures from DAC members off-chain, and posts hashed batches with signatures to the WirexPayChainValidium contract.


    The system has a centralized sequencer

    Only a trusted sequencer is allowed to submit transaction batches. A mechanism for users to submit their own batches is currently disabled.

    • MEV can be extracted if the operator exploits their centralized position and frontruns user transactions.

    • Funds can be frozen if the sequencer refuses to include an exit transaction (CRITICAL).

    1. Validium.sol - source code, onlyTrustedSequencer modifier

    Users can't force any transaction

    The mechanism for allowing users to submit their own transactions is currently disabled.

    • Users can be censored if the operator refuses to include their transactions.

    1. Validium.sol - source code, forceBatchAddress address

    Regular messaging

    The user initiates L2->L1 messages by submitting a regular transaction on this chain. When the block containing that transaction is settled, the message becomes available for processing on L1. ZK proofs are required to settle blocks.

    1. PolygonZkEvmBridgeV2.sol - source code, claimAsset function
    Upgrades & Governance
    A diagram of the upgrades and governance
    A diagram of the upgrades and governance

    The regular upgrade process for all system contracts (shared and L2-specific) starts at the PolygonAdminMultisig. For the shared contracts, they schedule a transaction that targets the ProxyAdmin via the Timelock, wait for 3d and then execute the upgrade. An upgrade of the Layer 2 specific rollup- or validium contract requires first adding a new rollupType through the Timelock and the RollupManager (defining the new implementation and verifier contracts). Now that the rollupType is created, either the local admin or the PolygonAdminMultisig can immediately upgrade the local system contracts to it. The PolygonSecurityCouncil can expedite the upgrade process by declaring an emergency state. This state pauses both the shared bridge and the PolygonRollupManager and allows for instant upgrades through the timelock. Accordingly, instant upgrades for all system contracts are possible with the cooperation of the SecurityCouncil. The emergency state has been activated 1 time(s) since inception. Furthermore, the PolygonAdminMultisig is permissioned to manage the shared trusted aggregator (proposer and prover) for all participating Layer 2s, deactivate the emergency state, obsolete rolupTypes and manage operational parameters and fees in the PolygonRollupManager directly. The local admin of a specific Layer 2 can manage their chain by choosing the trusted sequencer, manage forced batches and set the data availability config. Creating new Layer 2s (of existing rollupType) is outsourced to the PolygonCreateRollupMultisig but can also be done by the PolygonAdminMultisig. Custom non-shared bridge escrows have their custom upgrade admins listed in the permissions section.




    Sequencer 0x129A…cACf

    Sequencer is an actor allowed to commit transactions from the current layer to the host chain.

    Trusted Aggregator (Proposer) (2) 0x20A5…51dE0x6329…f7ab

    Permissioned to post new state roots and global exit roots accompanied by ZK proofs.


    PolygonAdminMultisig 0x242d…3e21
    • A Multisig with 2 / 3 threshold.
    • Can act on behalf of PolygonZkEVMTimelock if there is no emergency state, in which case there is no delay.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonRollupManager - deploy new projects that use predefined rollup types (implementations) and connect them to the PolygonRollupManager.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonRollupManager - manage all access control roles, add new rollup types (which are implementation contracts that can then be upgraded to by connected projects), update any connected projects to new rollup types and rollback batches, connect existing rollups to the PolygonRollupManager - acting via PolygonZkEVMTimelock with 3d delay if there is no emergency state, in which case there is no delay.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonRollupManager - manage parameters like fees for all connected projects, set the trusted aggregator, stop the emergency state, update projects and obsolete rollup types.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonZkEVMTimelock - propose, cancel and execute transactions in the timelock, manage all access control roles - acting via PolygonZkEVMTimelock with 3d delay if there is no emergency state, in which case there is no delay.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonZkEVMTimelock - propose, cancel and execute transactions in the timelock, manage all access control roles.
    • Can upgrade the implementation of PolygonZkEVMBridgeV2, PolygonRollupManager, PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2 - acting via SharedProxyAdmin, PolygonZkEVMTimelock with 3d delay if there is no emergency state, in which case there is no delay.

    Used in:

    PolygonSecurityCouncil 0x37c5…Dcb6
    • A Multisig with 6 / 8 threshold.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonRollupManager - activate the emergency state in the PolygonRollupManager and in the shared bridge immediately, effectively pausing all projects connected to them and making system contracts instantly upgradable.

    Used in:

    PolygonCreateRollupMultisig 0xC74e…79dB
    • A Multisig with 3 / 8 threshold.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonRollupManager - deploy new projects that use predefined rollup types (implementations) and connect them to the PolygonRollupManager.

    Used in:

    • Is allowed to interact with Validium - set core system parameters like the trusted sequencer and manage forced transactions/batches.
    • Is allowed to interact with Validium - sole address that can force batches.
    • Is allowed to interact with PolygonDataCommittee - manage the members of the data availability committee and the threshold for valid commitments.
    • Can upgrade the implementation of PolygonDataCommittee - acting via ProxyAdmin.
    Smart contracts
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture


    The main system contract defining the Ternoa Layer 2 logic. Entry point for sequencing batches. The source code of this contract is not verified on Etherscan.

    Implementation used in:

    FflonkVerifier_12 0x9B96…286D

    Verifies ZK proofs for state roots of this Layer 2 via the PolygonRollupManager.

    Manages the members of the data availability committee (DAC) and the threshold for accepting commitments from them (Currently 1/1).

    Can be upgraded by:

    Upgrade delay: No delay

    ProxyAdmin 0xE390…bF9b

    Can be used to upgrade implementation of PolygonDataCommittee.

    SharedProxyAdmin 0x0F99…CC4A

    Can be used to upgrade implementation of PolygonZkEVMBridgeV2, PolygonRollupManager, PolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2.

    Implementation used in:

    The shared bridge contract, escrowing user funds sent to Layer 2s perticipating in the AggLayer. It is mirrored on each L2 and can be used to transfer both ERC20 assets and arbitrary messages. This contract can store any token.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Upgrade delay: 3d

    Proxy used in:

    The central shared managing contract for Layer 2s on the Polygon AggLayer. This contract receives L2 state roots as well as ZK proofs. All connected Layer 2s can be globally paused by activating the ‘Emergency State’. This can be done by the PolygonSecurityCouncil or by anyone after 1 week of inactive verifiers.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Upgrade delay: 3d

    Proxy used in:

    A merkle tree storage contract aggregating state roots of each participating Layer 2, thus creating a single global merkle root representing the global state of the AggLayer, the ‘global exit root’. The global exit root is synchronized to all connected Layer 2s to help with their interoperability.

    Can be upgraded by:

    Upgrade delay: 3d

    Proxy used in:

    PolygonZkEVMTimelock 0xEf14…A4EF
    • A timelock with access control. In the case of an activated emergency state in the PolygonRollupManager, all transactions through this timelock are immediately executable. The current minimum delay is 3d.
    • Can act on behalf of SharedProxyAdmin.
    • Can act on behalf of PolygonZkEVMTimelock if there is no emergency state, in which case there is no delay.
    • Can be used to interact with PolygonRollupManager - manage all access control roles, add new rollup types (which are implementation contracts that can then be upgraded to by connected projects), update any connected projects to new rollup types and rollback batches, connect existing rollups to the PolygonRollupManager.
    • Can be used to interact with PolygonZkEVMTimelock - propose, cancel and execute transactions in the timelock, manage all access control roles.

    Implementation used in:

    Value Secured is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    Proxy used in:

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is a 3d delay on code upgrades unless upgrade is initiated by the PolygonSecurityCouncil in which case there is no delay.

    • Funds can be stolen if the source code of unverified contracts contains malicious code (CRITICAL).