Please note, the values on the page reflect the time required to achieve ordering finality, at which point transactions cannot be reverted or reordered. For simplicity, they do not include the overhead time to reach L1 finality, which is the same for all projects. The actionable settlement time on the L1 (that affects your ability to withdraw your funds on the L1) for these transactions may be longer. In most other cases, however, this does not apply (e.g., when transferring funds to an exchange). For more information on how finality works for L2 transactions, check our article.
L2BEAT is a public goods company dedicated to providing on-chain transparency.
What sets L2BEAT apart is our unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and reliable information. We strive to be an impartial and independent watchdog that acts in the best interest of users and the broader ecosystem while always remaining credibly neutral and faithful to reality and facts. We deliver data and tools that allow our community to educate themselves, transact securely, and make well-informed decisions.
This approach has earned us recognition and a solid reputation in the industry, garnering praise from the global Ethereum community and making our voice highly valued by numerous organizations and institutions. We are unafraid of being vocal and opinionated when our values are at stake.
Our work spans a wide range of areas, including:
We receive generous funding from various public goods organizations, such as Gitcoin and the Ethereum Foundation, as well as from various private donors and investors. Additionally, we collaborate closely with leading companies in the space by accepting grants for specific projects.